A 10-year-old boy, Jonathan Adewuyi has accused policemen attached to the Ayinla Police Division in Agbado, Ogun State of torturing his father to death. The incident occurred at the weekend at 4, Itoki Road, Itoki, where the boy lived with his father, Sina Adewuyi, 45, a bricklayer. According to the boy, his father died at about 5am on Sunday from injuries he sustained after his was brutalised by some policemen who came to extort his master, Dona Okey. Reliving the ordeal, the boy said after the policemen beat up his father for asking why they were in his compound around 4pm, they bundled him into their bus, took him away with them and he only returned at about 10pm. He said: “I am an apprentice working with the man (Okey) and learning to sell spare parts. His shop is in the same compound where we live. My master told them (police) he had no money with him for now because he used to give them money before whenever they came. “When my father came out from the house, he sa...